Generate Report
This guide will cover how to generate a report. There are multiple report types on this page:
Inventory & Items
Inventory Receipts: View inventory receipts for PO's/TO's. Even, Over, or Under visibility.
Item Dimensions: Visibility on the item dimensions created in D365. Assists in understanding containerizations.
Storage: See inventory quantity on the 1st or the 14th of the month for comparison on inventory movement.
Inventory Transactions: View every type of transaction for a specific item or all items. Does not contain month beginning or end quantities.
Inventory Transactions with Balances: View every type of transaction for a specific item or all items.
Inventory Reconciliation (Monthly-Bottles): View a summary of transaction types for an entire month to view the beginning and month end inventory. Any quantity variances should be brought to Wineshipping's attention.
DTC Inventory Turn Report: View a summary of On Hand inventory received in the last 60 days, what has shipped, and what is left in the warehouse. This report will help determine slow moving inventory that may incur storage fees.
Orders on Hold: Break down orders that are on hold in D365 (Wineshipping Warehouse Management System)
Inventory hold, CSR hold, Winery hold, Credit hold, and License hold
Returns: See returned packages that have been systematically returned to the warehouse.
All Orders: See orders in the same format as the Classic Portal.
Unshipped Order: View orders that have not shipped in an easy to use format for customer contact.
Package Item Details: View basic details of an order in a line item based report.
Select the type of report you would like to generate and click Next.